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"Every one of us can make a contribution. And quite often we are looking for the big things and forget that, wherever we are, we can make a contribution. Sometimes I tell myself, I may only be planting a tree here, but just imagine what's happening if there are billions of people out there doing something. Just imagine the power of what we can do."
-- Wangari Maathai

The big powers are traveling on the dangerous road of armament. The signpost just ahead of us is 'Oblivion.' Can the march on this road be stopped? Yes, if public opinion uses the power it now has.
-- Sean MacBride

"If we want to reap the harvest of peace and justice in the future, we will have to sow seeds of nonviolence, here and now, in the present."
-- Mairead Corrigan Maguire


* Therefore my challenge to each of you ... is that you ask yourself what you can do to make a difference. And then take that action, no matter how large or how small. For our children have a right to peace.
-- Graça Machel-Mandela

The value of our shared reward will and must be measured by the joyful peace which will triumph, because the common humanity that bonds both black and white into one human race, will have said to each one of us that we shall all live like the children of paradise. Thus shall we live, because we will have created a society which recognizes that all people are born equal, with each entitled in equal measure to life, liberty, prosperity, human rights and good governance. Such a society should never allow again that there should be prisoners of conscience nor that any person's human rights should be violated.
-- Nelson Mandela


"I am trying to build a new world, and I believe I have an impact on that - -I believe every individual has an impact on that."
-- Susan Collin Marks

My message is a peaceful one and I hope that the idea will spread.
-- Paul McCartney


The struggle to maintain peace is immeasurably more difficult than any military operation.
-- Anne O'Hare McCormick

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has.
-- Margaret Mead

* "Peace cannot exist without justice, justice cannot exist without fairness, fairness cannot exist without development, development cannot exist without democracy, democracy cannot exist without respect for the identity and worth of cultures and peoples."
-- Rigoberta Menchu

* We have learned that change cannot come through war. War is not a feasible tool to use in fighting against the oppression we face. War has caused more problems. We cannot embrace that path.
-- Rigoberta Menchu

Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience.
-- Thomas Merton
* Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
-- Jill Jackson Miller

Let peace and beauty reign.
-- Moby

* Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.
-– Maria Montessori

* There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.
-- A.J. Muste

"The greatest warriors are the ones who fight for peace."
-- Holly Near


The only alternative to coesistence is codestruction
-- Jawaharlal Nehru

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.
-- Jawaharlal Nehru

In an interconnected world, the defeat of international terrorism – and most importantly, the prevention of these terrorist organizations from obtaining weapons of mass destruction -- will require the cooperation of many nations. We must always reserve the right to strike unilaterally at terrorists wherever they may exist. But we should know that our success in doing so is enhanced by engaging our allies so that we receive the crucial diplomatic, military, intelligence, and financial support that can lighten our load and add legitimacy to our actions. This means talking to our friends and, at times, even our enemies.
-- Barack Obama

We are privileged to have the opportunity of contributing to the achievement of the goal of the abolition of war and its replacement by world law. I am confident that we shall succeed in this great task; that the world community will thereby be freed not only from the suffering caused by war but also through the better use of the earth's resources, of the discoveries of scientists, and of the efforts of mankind, from hunger, disease, illiteracy, and fear; and that we shall in the course of time be enabled to build a world characterized by economic, political, and social justice for all human beings and a culture worthy of man's intelligence.
-- Linus Pauling


Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear, and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace.
-- Lester B. Pearson

The choice, however, is as clear now for nations as it was once for the individual: peace or extinction.
- Lester B. Pearson


* "One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history."
-- Peace Pilgrim

We seem always ready to pay the price for war. Almost gladly we give our time and our treasures - our limbs and even our lives - for war. But we expect to get peace for nothing.
-- Peace Pilgrim

Peace - the word evokes the simplest and most cherished dream of humanity. Peace is, and has always been, the ultimate human aspiration. And yet our history overwhelmingly shows that while we speak incessantly of peace, our actions tell a very different story.
-- Javier Perez de Cuellar

* Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place.
-- Natalie Portman


Quotes for Peace

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Peace Day - September 21


Portraits for illustration purposes - no endorsement implied.
Thanks to Anukul Gurung for the fairy image of Emily
Thanks to Fletcher Grayson/Gray Media for creating The Emily Fund logo

The Emily Fund
Education, Mentorship, Inspiration, Leadership, Youth
- for a Better

PO Box 430
Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0430